Barbara 4bes
Blogs, Articles, and Posts
Azure Durable Functions for PowerShell
I have written before about how you can start working with Azure PowerShell functions and how you
By: Barbara 4bes submitted:Jun 16 2022
I have written before about how you can start working with Azure PowerShell functions and how you
can connect to a storage queue and CosmosDB. For this post, we will see how you can use PowerShell in Durable functions. This functionality has been in public preview since August 2020. While some documentation is available, I want to focus on a practical example. This will be a bit of a step-by-step guide on how you can create your own Azure PowerShell Durable functions.
By: Barbara 4bes submitted:Jun 16 2022
Migrate Azure DevOps repos with PowerShell
A situation I have seen with some companies, is that Azure DevOps adoption sort of starts as a
By: Barbara 4bes submitted:Jun 16 2022
A situation I have seen with some companies, is that Azure DevOps adoption sort of starts as a
playground. But once stuff is getting serious, you might find that projects and repo's have collected in a counterintuitive way and you want to change the project structure. Moving the repos can be done in the portal, but it is a bit of a challenge if there are a lot of them. In this post I will explain how you can migrate Azure DevOps repos with PowerShell.
By: Barbara 4bes submitted:Jun 16 2022
Send email from PowerShell with SendGrid
My previous blogpost described how you can use Logic Apps to send emails from a PowerShell script.
By: Barbara 4bes submitted:Jun 15 2022
My previous blogpost described how you can use Logic Apps to send emails from a PowerShell script.
While this is a great tool, I want to show you an alternative method that might be more suitable if you have to handle a large volume of email. In this post, I will show you how to send email from PowerShell with SendGrid.
By: Barbara 4bes submitted:Jun 15 2022
Step by step: Start using GIT for PowerShell scripts
So you have been working with PowerShell. You hear a lot of people around you talking about GIT and
By: Barbara 4bes submitted:Jun 24 2022
So you have been working with PowerShell. You hear a lot of people around you talking about GIT and
you want to get into the game. But there are so many possibilities, you have no clue where to start. Your not a Dev, you just write small scripts every now and then. Read further, as this is a step by step guide about how to start using GIT, focused on PowerShell.
By: Barbara 4bes submitted:Jun 24 2022
Projects, Scripts, and Modules
Create a secure GitHub webhook to trigger an Azure PowerShell Function
For this post, I want to look at the connection you can make between GitHub and Azure Functions. I
By: Barbara 4bes submitted:Jun 16 2022
For this post, I want to look at the connection you can make between GitHub and Azure Functions. I
have written an extensive blog post about this subject before, which I encourage you to read if you have never created this connection before. I want to focus on how you can create a secure GitHub webhook to trigger an Azure PowerShell Function. We will make use of a secret that we will store in Azure Key vault.
By: Barbara 4bes submitted:Jun 16 2022
Test ARM templates with What-If in a pipeline
Find out how to test all templates in your repo in one task with PowerShell and the What-If module.
By: Barbara 4bes submitted:Jun 16 2022
Find out how to test all templates in your repo in one task with PowerShell and the What-If module.
With examples for Azure DevOps pipelines and Github Actions
By: Barbara 4bes submitted:Jun 16 2022
Books, Media, and Learning Resources
Azure Functions University – HTTP Lesson (PowerShell) – YouTube
Hi serverless friends! We have a new video for Azure Functions University ????? where @Ba4bes shows
By: Barbara 4bes submitted:Jun 16 2022
Hi serverless friends! We have a new video for Azure Functions University ????? where @Ba4bes shows
how to create HTTP triggered functions written in PowerShell!
By: Barbara 4bes submitted:Jun 16 2022