Jeff Hicks
PowerShell Gallery reports on recently published modules
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
PowerShell Gallery reports on recently published modules
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
What the Shell is Happening?
A great recap of the what's currently going on in the world of PowerShell
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
A great recap of the what's currently going on in the world of PowerShell
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Blogs, Articles, and Posts
5 Reasons you should be using PSReadLine
Get up to speed and use PSReadLine more often - in his first article for us, author Jeffery Hicks
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Sep 6 2024
Get up to speed and use PSReadLine more often - in his first article for us, author Jeffery Hicks
provides his 5 reasons why he recommends using PSReadLine.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Sep 6 2024
A PowerShell Network Monitor
I hope you've been trying your hand at the scripting challenges being posted on the Iron Scripter
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
I hope you've been trying your hand at the scripting challenges being posted on the Iron Scripter
web site. The challenges are designed for individuals to do on their own to build up their PowerShell scripting skills. A few weeks ago, a challenge was posted to create a network monitoring tool using PowerShell and the Write-Progress cmdlet. I thought I'd share my notes on the challenge and some of the code I came up with.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
An Active Directory Change Report from PowerShell
A few days ago I posted some PowerShell code that you could use to be alerted when things changed in
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
A few days ago I posted some PowerShell code that you could use to be alerted when things changed in
Active Directory. The code used PowerShell and CIM events to notify you, for example, when a new user account is created. This can be helpful when you need alerting. But perhaps you only need reporting. What has changed in Active Directory since a given date and time, such as in the last 24 hours? And wouldn't it be nice to have a pretty report? Let me help. Here's how I approached the prob lem using PowerShell and the ActiveDirectory module.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Anyone make an interesting or useful discovery in PowerShell lately?
A great thread from the most recent #pstweetchat
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
A great thread from the most recent #pstweetchat
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Ask Jeff
Here we are once again at the end of another month. For my North American readers, this means summer
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Sep 1 2023
Here we are once again at the end of another month. For my North American readers, this means summer
is at an end. I was on the road a lot this summer and feel I didn't have enough time to enjoy it properly. Maybe next year. In the meantime, let's see what we have to wrap up August.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Sep 1 2023
Ask Jeff July 2023
Well, this has been a whirlwind month. I hope you accomplished much and still had time to learn a
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Aug 4 2023
Well, this has been a whirlwind month. I hope you accomplished much and still had time to learn a
thing or two. As has been the custom here, let's wrap up with grab bag of tips and suggestions.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Aug 4 2023
Ask Jeff June 2023
Here we are again, wrapping up another month. I hope you learned a few new things. As usual, I have
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 30 2023
Here we are again, wrapping up another month. I hope you learned a few new things. As usual, I have
a potpourri of tips and tricks that you can use to improve your console experience and add a little pizzazz to your PowerShell scripts and functions.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 30 2023
Ask Jeff November 2023
I am amazed at how quickly the year is flying by, and there is so much left on my to-do list for
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Dec 1 2023
I am amazed at how quickly the year is flying by, and there is so much left on my to-do list for
2023. I guess we'd better get right to the monthly wrap-up.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Dec 1 2023
Behind the PowerShell Pipeline
Last week I made some passing references on Twitter to a new project I am working on this year. I
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Last week I made some passing references on Twitter to a new project I am working on this year. I
thought I'd take a little time to explain it and hopefully entice a few of you into joining me.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Behind the PowerShell Pipeline
Welcome to Behind the PowerShell Pipeline a subscription-based newsletter that will dive deeply into
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Feb 14 2025
Welcome to Behind the PowerShell Pipeline a subscription-based newsletter that will dive deeply into
the world of PowerShell.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Feb 14 2025
Best Practices Make Perfect
Over the last several weeks, I've been sharing and demonstrating techniques for writing effective
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Nov 17 2023
Over the last several weeks, I've been sharing and demonstrating techniques for writing effective
PowerShell functions. I know I've mentioned a few recommended best practices. But since they are important, I want to review and re-emphasize them. These practices will make your code easier to write, debug or troubleshoot and more secure. I'd like to think some of them are simply common sense, but sometimes we need someone to remind us. These items are not in any particular order.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Nov 17 2023
Better Active Directory Reporting with PowerShell
During the course of conversations with my friend and AD admin, Gladys Kravitz, I realized I needed
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
During the course of conversations with my friend and AD admin, Gladys Kravitz, I realized I needed
to build a solid reporting tool around Active Directory. I had a library of scripts and functions I have written over the years, including a few that I've written about here recently. Thus was born ADReportingTools.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Better Event Logs with PowerShell
Because I don't work in a corporate environment, I don't always see opportunities where PowerShell
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Because I don't work in a corporate environment, I don't always see opportunities where PowerShell
can make your life better as an IT professional. I have a friend - let's call her Gladys Kravitz. Gladys and I were chatting and she mentioned how tricky it is to pull information out of Windows event logs. If I recall, she was looking at 4625 events in the Security log which represents failed logon attempts.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Building a PowerShell Inventory
A few weeks ago, a new Iron Scripter PowerShell scripting challenge was issued. For this challenge
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
A few weeks ago, a new Iron Scripter PowerShell scripting challenge was issued. For this challenge
we were asked to write some PowerShell code that we could use to inventory our PowerShell script library. Here's how I approached the problem, which by no means is the only way.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Building a PowerShell Process Detection Tool
I spend my entire working day in a PowerShell prompt. It is often a combination of Windows
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
I spend my entire working day in a PowerShell prompt. It is often a combination of Windows
PowerShell and PowerShell 7. Sometimes I'm in a session with a loaded profile, sometimes not. Sometimes I have a PowerShell 7 Preview session running. And then there are the scheduled jobs which also run PowerShell. Over the years, I've written a number of variations of a PowerShell script or function to discover all of the running PowerShell sessions on my computer. But I think I have finally written the final version of a PowerShell process detection tool.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Comparing PowerShell Property Names
Recently, I was chatting with my friend Gladys Kravitz about the hassle of comparing objects in
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Recently, I was chatting with my friend Gladys Kravitz about the hassle of comparing objects in
PowerShell. Even after all these years. She has a specific use case, but you might also feel the need for a better comparison option. And to be clear, the comparison we're talking about is not the object's values, as you might see with Compare-Object. But rather the property names.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Copy PowerShell History Command
I thought I'd share a short but useful PowerShell utility. This is something that is very handy when
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
I thought I'd share a short but useful PowerShell utility. This is something that is very handy when
I am writing. As you know, PowerShell maintains a command history in your PowerShell session. You can view history with the Get-History cmdlet or its alias h. To re-rerun a command use Invoke-History or its alias...
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Copy to Multiple Destinations with PowerShell
In honor of today, 2/22/2022, I thought I'd share a PowerShell function that allows you to copy
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
In honor of today, 2/22/2022, I thought I'd share a PowerShell function that allows you to copy
files to multiple destinations. If you look at help for Copy-Item, which you should, you'll see that the Destination parameter does not take an array. That's ok. I can fix that. However, I have a disclaimer that you should consider this a proof-of-concept and not production-ready code.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Creating a PowerShell Clock
I've published a new project to the PowerShell Gallery. This is something that I needed, and maybe
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
I've published a new project to the PowerShell Gallery. This is something that I needed, and maybe
you do as well. Even though I have the typical clock running in the Windows taskbar, I have an ultrawide monitor so it isn't always easy to read.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Creating a PowerShell Weather Command
Earlier this year I tried something new. I documented the process of creating a new PowerShell
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:May 5 2023
Earlier this year I tried something new. I documented the process of creating a new PowerShell
command in real time. Often, I am sharing code and commands I've already written. Instead, over the course of the next several weeks, I don't know exactly since I haven't written anything yet, I want to share my experiences creating a PowerShell weather command based on free Open-Meteo weather API. The development process will hopefully expose you to new techniques and concepts.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:May 5 2023
Deploy OpenSSH Server to Windows 10
PowerShell 7 offers a number of compelling reasons to adopt it. One of the best is support for SSH
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
PowerShell 7 offers a number of compelling reasons to adopt it. One of the best is support for SSH
as a PowerShell remoting protocol. Unfortunately, this is not a topic that typically comes up for Windows-centric IT Pros. I know this is definitely true in my case, and a deficiency I have been working on. On the plus side, Windows 10 ships with the OpenSSH client installed and ready to go. But what about the OpenSSH Server? On Windows platforms, you need to enable and configure this element if you want to use SSH remoting in PowerShell. Naturally, I'd like to do this with PowerShell and also remotely. First up, I want to show you how to setup the OpenSSH Server component on Windows 10.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Discovering Aliases with the PowerShell AST
I've been working on a new PowerShell module that incorporates code from a few of my recent posts on
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
I've been working on a new PowerShell module that incorporates code from a few of my recent posts on
converting PowerShell scripts and functions to files. I even whipped up a script, think of it as a meta-script, to create the module using the commands that I am adding to the module.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Discovering Pester Tags with the PowerShell AST
As I resolved at the end of last year, I am doing more with Pester in 2022. I'm getting a bit more
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
As I resolved at the end of last year, I am doing more with Pester in 2022. I'm getting a bit more
comfortable with Pester 5 and as my tests grow in complexity I am embracing the use of tags. You can add tags to different Pester test elements.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Distinguished Parsing with PowerShell and Regex
The other day I'm chatting with my friend Gladys Kravitz about Active Directory and she makes an
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
The other day I'm chatting with my friend Gladys Kravitz about Active Directory and she makes an
off-hand remark about parsing out organizational unit names from a distinguished name. On one hand, this is a pretty simple task, assuming a proper distinguished name from the Active Directory cmdlets. All you really need to do is split the string.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Doing More with $MyInvocation
Not that long ago someone made a comment to me on Twitter about something I had shared related to
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Not that long ago someone made a comment to me on Twitter about something I had shared related to
PowerShell. He wanted to know more about the $MyInvocation variable. This is something that isn't well documented, yet can be very useful in your PowerShell scripting. Let's take a look at it in a bit more detail.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Doing More with Windows Sandbox
One of the reasons I was looking forward to updating to Windows 10 2004 was to have access to the
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
One of the reasons I was looking forward to updating to Windows 10 2004 was to have access to the
Windows Sandbox feature. I think I tinkered with a pre-release version and was intrigued. I normally have a set of Hyper-V virtual machines that I can test with, but I'm always looking for something new to play with. And what is better to play with than a sand box!
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Easy PowerShell Custom Formatting
One of the features I truly enjoy about PowerShell, is the ability to have it present information
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
One of the features I truly enjoy about PowerShell, is the ability to have it present information
that I need in a form that I want. Here's a good example. Running Get-Process is simple enough and the output is pretty complete. But one thing that would make it better for me, is that sometimes I want an easy way to see high-memory use properties. Yes, I can pipe Get-Process to Sort-Object and Where-Object. However, in this particular situation, what I really want is to see high-memory usage processes displayed in red. Maybe those that are getting close to my arbitrary limit I'd like to see in Yellow. This isn't that difficult to achieve using ANSI escape sequences.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Exporting PowerShell Functions to Files
When I write a PowerShell module, it typically includes more than one export function. Where you
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
When I write a PowerShell module, it typically includes more than one export function. Where you
store your module functions is a great discussion topic and I don't think there is necessarily one best practice for everyone.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Extending PowerShell PSDrives
Yesterday I shared some PowerShell code I use to managing my PSDrive assignments. My code works for
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Yesterday I shared some PowerShell code I use to managing my PSDrive assignments. My code works for
me in my environment. But that doesn't mean it is necessarily right for you and your environment. There are plenty of ways to use PowerShell to achieve the same results as my code. This is something you should always keep in mind when looking at someone else's code. But enough caveats. In the previous post I left you with a tease that there is more to be done with PSDrives. Let's look at that today.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Finding Modified Files with PowerShell
Here's another task that I seem to be constantly fiddling with using PowerShell. What files did I
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Here's another task that I seem to be constantly fiddling with using PowerShell. What files did I
work on yesterday? Or what files were modified in the last 48 hours?
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Finding Your Way on the System.IO.Path
Since we've been exploring ways to use .NET classes to supplement existing command coverage in
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jan 26 2024
Since we've been exploring ways to use .NET classes to supplement existing command coverage in
PowerShell, I thought we should explore the System.IO namespace. Here, you will find several classes to incorporate into your PowerShell scripting. As you'll see, some of the classes provide functionality already offered by existing cmdlets. I always recommend using cmdlets in your code wherever possible for beginner scripters. Cmdlets are easier to understand, are documented, and provide features like -WhatIf that you don't get when accessing the .NET Framework directly.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jan 26 2024
Finding Zombie Files with PowerShell
Ok, maybe these aren't really living dead files, but rather files with a 0-byte length. It is
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Ok, maybe these aren't really living dead files, but rather files with a 0-byte length. It is
certainly possible that you may intentionally want a 0 length file. But perhaps they are artifacts or accidents that you'd like to clean up. Here's one approach you might take.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Generate PowerShell Dynamic Parameter Code
One of the topics we've discussed in the PowerShell Cmdlet Working Group is a request to make it
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
One of the topics we've discussed in the PowerShell Cmdlet Working Group is a request to make it
easier to insert dynamic parameters.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Get Installed PowerShell Versions
The problem I had was to remotely query a Windows system and determine what versions of PowerShell
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
The problem I had was to remotely query a Windows system and determine what versions of PowerShell
were installed. For servers, you can use Get-WindowsFeature to check if PowerShell-V2 is installed. But what about PowerShell Core, PowerShell 7, or even a preview build? My solution was to query the registry.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
How to Monitor VM Memory Pressure with PowerShell
In a previous article, I gave you an introduction to using performance counters with Hyper-V and
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
In a previous article, I gave you an introduction to using performance counters with Hyper-V and
PowerShell. Of course you can use performance counters to manage all sorts of things, but personally, memory is the most critical.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
I Need a PSDrive Now!
I hope you've been enjoying the last few posts on working with PSDrives. To round out the set, I
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
I hope you've been enjoying the last few posts on working with PSDrives. To round out the set, I
thought I'd remind you of a command in the PSScriptTools module that I use often, especially when teaching a live class or presenting at a conference. As you've seen, I use PSDrives as shortcuts to commonly used folders. Back in my DOS days, I relied on subst.exe. PSDrives are much easier. Here's my typical dilemma and how I solve it.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Live PowerShell Tool Making Part 3
We're back once more to continue building a Crescendo module around the GitHub command line tool
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Feb 17 2023
We're back once more to continue building a Crescendo module around the GitHub command line tool
gh.exe. You've seen how I approach building a PowerShell and the questions and decisions that come up. Now that I've built a few more Crescendo commands, I realize I can begin copying and pasting. Some of the commands I have in mind, I think, will be very similar. Plus, I have my VSCode Crescendo command snippet.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Feb 17 2023
Making Sense of Parallel ForEach-Object in PowerShell 7
By, you've most likely heard about the new -parallel parameter with ForEach-Object in the latest
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
By, you've most likely heard about the new -parallel parameter with ForEach-Object in the latest
preview of PowerShell 7 Personally. I've been waiting for this for a long time. I used to only use PowerShell workflows because it offered a way to run commands in parallel. Having this feature as part of the language is a welcome addition.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
Managing the Recycle Bin with PowerShell
A while ago, I posted an Iron Scripter challenge asking you to write some PowerShell code for
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
A while ago, I posted an Iron Scripter challenge asking you to write some PowerShell code for
working with items in the recycle bin. You were asked to calculate how much space the recycle bin is using and then restore a file. If you'd prefer, stop reading this post, check out the challenge and see what you can come up with. If you get stuck, this article might get you back on track. Although, I'm sure there are several ways to meet the challenge. My solution is far from the only solution.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
Managing the Windows 10 Taskbar with PowerShell
When I'm working on a Pluralsight course, I tend to setup a virtual machine for recording. Although,
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
When I'm working on a Pluralsight course, I tend to setup a virtual machine for recording. Although,
lately I've been trying with Windows 10 Sandbox. This is handy when all I need is a Windows 10 desktop. When I setup the system, I have particular settings I need to configure. Naturally I use a PowerShell script to automate the process. One item that I wanted to address was Windows 10 taskbar. When I'm recording a course, I like to have it auto-hide. Sure, I could manually set it. But that's no fun.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Measuring PowerShell Profile Performance
Today's topic is one of those things that I don't know why I've never addressed before. Well, I have
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Today's topic is one of those things that I don't know why I've never addressed before. Well, I have
for myself in a manual process. Hopefully you'll find it useful. As you probably know, PowerShell uses a set of profile scripts. These scripts have hard-coded paths and PowerShell runs them in order from broadest to narrowest.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
More PowerShell Parameter Planning
In the last article, I started an exploration of parameter planning. The mechanics of adding a
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Feb 24 2023
In the last article, I started an exploration of parameter planning. The mechanics of adding a
parameter to your PowerShell function is easy. But deciding exactly what you need requires planning and forethought. If you make smart decisions up front, your function will be easier to use and less error-prone.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Feb 24 2023
More Property Management Options
In the last article, I demonstrated how to use a third-party .NET assembly to update a file's
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Sep 22 2023
In the last article, I demonstrated how to use a third-party .NET assembly to update a file's
extended properties. The TagLibSharp assembly works great for media files. $f = [TagLib.File]::Create("C:workcircuit-dreams.mp3") $f.tag.title = "Circuit Dreams" $f.tag.Year = 2022 $f.tag.Composers = "Jeff Hicks" $f.tag.Genres = "Techno","Electronic" $f.Tag.Comment = "This is a computer-generated performance" $f.Save() $f.dispose()
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Sep 22 2023
Open Up Wide
I recently read a terrific post from Mike F. Robbins about using Format-Wide to display strings.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
I recently read a terrific post from Mike F. Robbins about using Format-Wide to display strings.
Format-Wide is one of those cmdlets that I don't think gets much use. This is a shame because it certainly fulfills a need. But as Mike points out, if you have a list of strings, Format-Wide requires a little extra work, which Mike demonstrates. I decided to take his idea and run with it. Wouldn't it be easier to have a function?
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Parsing ssh Known Hosts with PowerShell and Regular Expressions
Lately, I've been spending time learning more about ssh. Sadly, I've rarely had a need to learn and
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Lately, I've been spending time learning more about ssh. Sadly, I've rarely had a need to learn and
use ssh. But of course, with PowerShell 7 and ssh-based remoting, it is time to up my game. I've started deploying the ssh server component to my Windows test servers (I'll write about that another day) and exploring how to use ssh in my automation and scripting work.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
PowerShell 7 Cross-Platform Scripting Tips and Traps
One of the reasons you want to adopt PowerShell 7 on your desktop, is that it can be used
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
One of the reasons you want to adopt PowerShell 7 on your desktop, is that it can be used
cross-platform. Theoretically, you can write a PowerShell script or function that works on Windows, Linux, and Mac. However, this is not without challenges. In some ways, it feels like we are back to the early days of PowerShell scripting where we are all trying to figure out what to do. Based on my experiences, let me share some thoughts on what I think you should keep in mind.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
PowerShell Helper Scripts for Windows Terminal
I've spent some time over the last few days getting my Windows Terminal setup in order. Hopefull you
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
I've spent some time over the last few days getting my Windows Terminal setup in order. Hopefull you
saw my recent post about backing up my settings.json file. I've also put together a few other simple PowerShell scripts that I use to make Windows Terminal even easier to use and manage.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
PowerShell Potluck – September 2024
Welcome back to another PowerShell Potluck, and you didn't have to bring a thing, other than a
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Oct 4 2024
Welcome back to another PowerShell Potluck, and you didn't have to bring a thing, other than a
little curiosity and a willingness to try new things.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Oct 4 2024
PowerShell Predicting with Style
I've been using the PSReadline module for years in PowerShell. I especially loved it when the module
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
I've been using the PSReadline module for years in PowerShell. I especially loved it when the module
added inline command prediction based on your history. You would start typing a command and the module would search your saved history and suggest an inline completion.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
PowerShell Remoting Profiles with Windows Terminal
I have jumped in the deep end and fully committed to Windows Terminal as my default PowerShell
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
I have jumped in the deep end and fully committed to Windows Terminal as my default PowerShell
environment. I love having one interface with tabs for different terminal profiles. Windows Terminal makes it easy for me to have tabs open to PowerShell 7, Windows PowerShell, an Ubuntu instance or even a PowerShell session with no profile. The last piece I needed was an easy way to launch a Windows Terminal profile and connect to a remote computer. Want to see how I did it?
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
PowerShell Tips & Tricks
This page is my one-stop-shop for all sorts of PowerShell related, tips, tricks, hacks, suggestions,
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
This page is my one-stop-shop for all sorts of PowerShell related, tips, tricks, hacks, suggestions,
and other bits of wisdom I've gleaned over the last 14 years.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
PowerShell Tough Love
Do you know you need to start using VSCode instead of the ISE but can't break the habit? See if this
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Do you know you need to start using VSCode instead of the ISE but can't break the habit? See if this
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Removing Obsolete PowerShell Remoting Configurations
I'm pretty sure I've discussed this before, but Microsoft is scheduled to release PowerShell 7.2
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
I'm pretty sure I've discussed this before, but Microsoft is scheduled to release PowerShell 7.2
soon, I thought it might be good to revisit this topic. Here's the potential issue. If you've been installing PowerShell 7 releases for a while, and have been enabling PowerShell remoting, you most likely have a list of remoting session configurations like this.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Restoring Windows Terminal Link in Windows 11
Unfortunately, the latest beta release reverts to Windows PowerShell. I've been told that this was a
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Unfortunately, the latest beta release reverts to Windows PowerShell. I've been told that this was a
deliberate decision to avoid having a dead link if the user uninstalled Windows Terminal. Don't even get me started.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Searching for PowerShell with CIM
Yesterday I shared a script that you could use to inventory systems for Windows PowerShell and
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Yesterday I shared a script that you could use to inventory systems for Windows PowerShell and
PowerShell 7 installations. This should work for most people who install PowerShell 7 with the provided installer. But, as has been pointed out more than once to me, this won't detect any side-loaded or out-of-band installations. I made reference to this in the previous article. I think the best you can do is search the hard drive instances of pwsh.exe. But we don't want to do a brute-force recursive directory search. Instead, I'm going to use Get-CimInstance.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Understanding PowerShell Objects
One of the features that both makes PowerShell so easy to use yet sometimes difficult to learn is
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jul 28 2022
One of the features that both makes PowerShell so easy to use yet sometimes difficult to learn is
its focus on objects. I have taught PowerShell objects to many people over the last 10 years and this is not as difficult as people make it out to be.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jul 28 2022
Using PowerShell with $PSStyle
PowerShell 7.2 introduced the automatic variable $PSStyle for a new feature called PSAnsiRendering.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
PowerShell 7.2 introduced the automatic variable $PSStyle for a new feature called PSAnsiRendering.
In this post, I show you how you can use ANSI rendering to control text decorations, such as color and font styling, in PowerShell.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Using PowerShell Your Way
I've often told people that I spend my day in a PowerShell prompt. I run almost my entire day with
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
I've often told people that I spend my day in a PowerShell prompt. I run almost my entire day with
PowerShell. I've shared many of the tools I use daily on Github. Today, I want to share another way I have PowerShell work the way I need it, with minimal effort. This specific task centers on files and folders.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Watching the Watcher with PowerShell
If you followed along with my recent articles about my PowerShell based backup system, you may
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
If you followed along with my recent articles about my PowerShell based backup system, you may
recall that I used a PowerShell scheduled job an an event subscriber to monitor for file changes in key folders that I want to back up. I created the scheduled task to run at Windows startup and so far it appears to be working just fine. However, I did catch one instance where the scheduled task stopped. I didn't find any reason, although I didn't dig too deeply either. I simply restarted the scheduled task. But it got me thinking that since I'm relying on this task to log new and changed files, I need to make sure it is watching. In other words, I need to watch the watcher. This is the approach I took.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
What command launched your session?
What command launched your session?
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Dec 2 2022
What command launched your session?
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Dec 2 2022
What is your “must have” module?
Join the discussion and be sure add yours to the list.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Join the discussion and be sure add yours to the list.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Projects, Scripts, and Modules
A PowerShell Windows Terminal Toolbox
Last week I shared some PowerShell code I had been using to manage different aspects of Windows
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
Last week I shared some PowerShell code I had been using to manage different aspects of Windows
Terminal. I also had posted a script to backup my Windows Terminal settings file. With all that code, plus other ideas brewing, it only made sense to bundle everything together into a PowerShell module.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
Introducing PSProjectStatus
I write a lot of PowerShell modules. And probably like you, I am working on more than one project at
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
I write a lot of PowerShell modules. And probably like you, I am working on more than one project at
a time. I was finding it difficult to keep track of what I was working on and what I might be neglecting. So I turned to PowerShell and created a tool that I use to keep on top of my projects.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Material from my RTPSUG presentation
Material from my RTPSUG presentation on writing better PowerShell code - demo.ps1
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Apr 5 2024
Material from my RTPSUG presentation on writing better PowerShell code - demo.ps1
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Apr 5 2024
Metric Meta PowerShell Scripting
I was fiddling around with PowerShell the other day. I spend my day in front of a PowerShell prompt
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
I was fiddling around with PowerShell the other day. I spend my day in front of a PowerShell prompt
and am always looking for ways to solve problems or answer questions without taking my hands off the keyboard. For some reason, I started thinking about metric conversions. How many feet are 50 meters? How many meters is 21.5 feet?
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
PowerShell TweetTip
Another random password maker function:
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Another random password maker function:
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Prerelease of PSFunctionTools for PowerShell
At the end of last year wrote a series of blog posts describing tools and techniques for working
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
At the end of last year wrote a series of blog posts describing tools and techniques for working
with PowerShell scripts and functions. My goal was to build a framework of tools that I could use to automate PowerShell scripting work, such as creating a new module from a group of existing files. I've finally...
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
If you are a Bluesky user, I'm working on a PowerShell module so that you can do things like post
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Nov 1 2024
If you are a Bluesky user, I'm working on a PowerShell module so that you can do things like post
from a PowerShell prompt. Not ready to publish to the PSGallery, but the module is stable enough for you to kick the tires.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Nov 1 2024
A set of PowerShell 7 commands that use the BlueSky API. You can skeet and upload images from a
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Nov 15 2024
A set of PowerShell 7 commands that use the BlueSky API. You can skeet and upload images from a
PowerShell prompt as well as view your feed and timeline.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Nov 15 2024
A demonstration class based PowerShell module
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
A demonstration class based PowerShell module
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
PSGalleryReport – Top 25 PSGallery Contributors
This is a report of contributions to the PowerShell Gallery from the top 25 module authors. This
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
This is a report of contributions to the PowerShell Gallery from the top 25 module authors. This
list excludes major vendors such as Microsoft, Amazon, and VMware. The exclusions are completely subjective. The intent is to use this report to highlight individual contributors to the PowerShell Gallery
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
This PowerShell module contains a number of functions you might use to enhance your own functions
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
This PowerShell module contains a number of functions you might use to enhance your own functions
and scripts. The Samples folder contains demonstration script files.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
PSScriptTools Updated
I updated PSScriptTools to fix a few minor bugs in Get-FolderSizeInfo. While I was at it, I added a
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
I updated PSScriptTools to fix a few minor bugs in Get-FolderSizeInfo. While I was at it, I added a
new command.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
A PowerShell 7 module for managing work and personal tasks or to-do items. This module uses a SQLite
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jul 7 2023
A PowerShell 7 module for managing work and personal tasks or to-do items. This module uses a SQLite
database to store task and category information. The module is not a full-featured project manag...
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jul 7 2023
PSWorkItem v1.7.0
A PowerShell 7 module for managing work and personal tasks or to-do items. This module uses a SQLite
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jan 12 2024
A PowerShell 7 module for managing work and personal tasks or to-do items. This module uses a SQLite
database to store task and category information. The module is not a full-featured project management solution, but should be fine for personal needs. The module requires a 64-bit Windows platform.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jan 12 2024
Updating PowerShell About Help
During some recent work, I realized my new Windows PowerShell 5.1 installs are missing the About
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
During some recent work, I realized my new Windows PowerShell 5.1 installs are missing the About
help topics. Apparently, this is a known issue, although I don't think it gets a lot of attention. Microsoft is working on improving updateable help for PowerShell 7 which I think will also have a beneficial change for Windows PowerShell. Microsoft has in fact been updating the about topics. All of the help files are open source on GitHub at I use the about topics often, so I wrote a PowerShell script to download and install the latest About topics from GitHub.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Using the PowerShell ISE as a Remote Management Console
I hadn't touched it in years until someone reached out with a problem with the module. They used the
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
I hadn't touched it in years until someone reached out with a problem with the module. They used the
module daily and I realized there is still value in the ISE as a remoting interface so I dusted off the code and polished it up.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Books, Media, and Learning Resources
Did you miss the #PS7Now #PSBlogweek? Don't worry. All the content on why you should consider moving
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Did you miss the #PS7Now #PSBlogweek? Don't worry. All the content on why you should consider moving
to PowerShell 7 has been assembled into a free single ebook. Brought to you by your favorite PowerShell community members. The book is offered for free, although we hope you'll consider making a donation for the OnRamp Scholarship fund.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Behind the PowerShell Pipeline
Discover parts of PowerShell that lie under the surface that can make you a better PowerShell user
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Feb 7 2025
Discover parts of PowerShell that lie under the surface that can make you a better PowerShell user
and scripter. From one of the original PowerShell experts.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Feb 7 2025
Behind the PowerShell Pipeline
Welcome to the Leanpub Launch video for Behind the PowerShell Pipeline: Discovering What You Didn't
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Feb 20 2025
Welcome to the Leanpub Launch video for Behind the PowerShell Pipeline: Discovering What You Didn't
Know You Needed to Know
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Feb 20 2025
Pick Up The PowerShell Practice Primer
I've updated The PowerShell Practice Primer with even more PowerShell 7 content. Now over 120
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:May 10 2024
I've updated The PowerShell Practice Primer with even more PowerShell 7 content. Now over 120
challenges to test your skill and knowledge.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:May 10 2024
PowerShell and Regular Expressions | Pluralsight
If you are a PowerShell Pro who needs to know what regular expressions are and how to take advantage
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
If you are a PowerShell Pro who needs to know what regular expressions are and how to take advantage
of them in PowerShell, then this course is for you. Learn the regex fundamentals, from matching, splitting, replacing, to turning text into objects.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking
At long last I've updated the content of the PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking book from Leanpub.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 14 2024
At long last I've updated the content of the PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking book from Leanpub.
Get the book and you get future updates for free.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 14 2024
PSQuizMaster v 1.3.0
A module for running and creating quizzes to learn PowerShell. Quizzes are stored as JSON files.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Oct 18 2024
A module for running and creating quizzes to learn PowerShell. Quizzes are stored as JSON files.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Oct 18 2024
PSTeachingTools: A set of commands and tools for teaching PowerShell
Major update to my PSTeachingTools module. Now with a true demo object.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Major update to my PSTeachingTools module. Now with a true demo object.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Solving the PowerShell Object Age Challenge – Part 2
The other day I shared part of my solution to an Iron Scripter challenge to write a generic function
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
The other day I shared part of my solution to an Iron Scripter challenge to write a generic function
to report on the age of an object. The idea being that you could pipe any type of object to the function and get a result. And because I can't help myself, I went a bit further with my solution.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
The PowerShell Practice Primer
A collection of over 100 PowerShell learning exercises targeted for beginners developed by
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:May 24 2024
A collection of over 100 PowerShell learning exercises targeted for beginners developed by
PowerShell MVP and veteran teacher Jeff Hicks.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:May 24 2024
Windows PowerShell Remoting Fundamentals (Free this month!)
Learn to use PowerShell remoting to simplify day-to-day Windows administration.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Learn to use PowerShell remoting to simplify day-to-day Windows administration.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
PSGallery Reports
See reports of what has been recently released and what is popular on the PowerShell Gallery.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Dec 16 2022
See reports of what has been recently released and what is popular on the PowerShell Gallery.
Updated weekly!
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Dec 16 2022
Social is Hard
Social media has been a great asset to my career. It has helped me build new relationships, keep on
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Dec 16 2022
Social media has been a great asset to my career. It has helped me build new relationships, keep on
top of trends in IT, and generally be that co-worker sitting across from me. I have worked from home for at least as long as I worked from an office. I often miss the social aspect.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Dec 16 2022
A PowerShell Nonsense Challenge
Today I thought I'd share my PowerShell solution to a recent Iron Scripter challenge. The challenge
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Today I thought I'd share my PowerShell solution to a recent Iron Scripter challenge. The challenge
was to create PowerShell code that would create nonsense documents, with a goal of creating 10 sample files filled with gibberish.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
An Iron Scripter Warm-Up Solution
We just wrapped up the 2022 edition of the PowerShell+DevOps Global Summit. It was terrific to be
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
We just wrapped up the 2022 edition of the PowerShell+DevOps Global Summit. It was terrific to be
with passionate PowerShell professionals again. The culmination of the event is the Iron Scripter Challenge.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Beware the PowerShell Oracle
A PowerShell WPF script to generate a magic oracle. All in good fun. - MagicOracle.ps1
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Nov 1 2024
A PowerShell WPF script to generate a magic oracle. All in good fun. - MagicOracle.ps1
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Nov 1 2024
Counting Down Events with PowerShell
We just finished a very successful virtual edition of the PowerShell+DevOps Global Summit. We lost
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
We just finished a very successful virtual edition of the PowerShell+DevOps Global Summit. We lost
our 2020 event to the pandemic but fortunately, the people at The DevOps Collective were able to pull together a fantastic virtual even t. There were as many virtual attendees as we normally have at the in person event. But of course, we are all looking forward to next year when we can gather again in...
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Creating a Spooky Windows Terminal Theme
With Halloween fast arriving, I thought I'd share some more holiday-themed fun. Today's entry isn't
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
With Halloween fast arriving, I thought I'd share some more holiday-themed fun. Today's entry isn't
necessarily PowerShell related but you might use it with your PowerShell work. If you've been kicking the tires on the Windows Terminal project from Microsoft, you might enjoy this. Here's the finished product and then I'll show you how to recreate it.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
Discovering Custom PowerShell Views
The other day I shared some ideas on why and how you might want to build a custom format view in
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
The other day I shared some ideas on why and how you might want to build a custom format view in
PowerShell. As I mentioned in that article, PowerShell ships with a number of custom views for different types of objects.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Friday Fun with PowerShell and ANSI
Ever since PowerShell 7 came along, I've been having a lot of fun exploring what I can do with ANSI
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Ever since PowerShell 7 came along, I've been having a lot of fun exploring what I can do with ANSI
color escape sequences. And actually, even in Windows PowerShell you can use them. Although you need to use a different escape character. Run Get-PSReadlineOption to see what I'm talking about.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Friday Fun: Getting Ahead with Windows Terminal
I've been using the new Windows Terminal from Microsoft for quite while. In fact, it has become my
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
I've been using the new Windows Terminal from Microsoft for quite while. In fact, it has become my
standard command line interface for PowerShell and more. I'm not sure at what point some of these features were added, but I can now set a background image and specify where to display it in the terminal. This has led me to creating a PowerShell 7 experience like this:
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
Friday Fun: PowerShell Console Editing
The other day I read an interesting article on Adam Bertram's blog about editing files with a text
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
The other day I read an interesting article on Adam Bertram's blog about editing files with a text
editor in PowerShell. Naturally, the PowerShell wheels in my head began turning. While I was intrigued by some of the options in the article, I've in fact installed the Micro editor to play with, I realized I already had my favorite console text editor installed.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Friday Fun: Redacting with PowerShell
It has been a while since my last Friday Fun post. These are articles that use PowerShell in fun and
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
It has been a while since my last Friday Fun post. These are articles that use PowerShell in fun and
off-beat ways. The goal is to demonstrate techniques and concepts not necessarily give you something ready for production.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Friday the 13th Fun
It is that time of year again. But instead of being freaked out by Friday the 13th, let's have a
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Oct 20 2023
It is that time of year again. But instead of being freaked out by Friday the 13th, let's have a
little fun. Here is a collection of PowerShell one-liners, all celebrating 13. And maybe you'll even pick up something new about PowerShell. Manage and Report Active Directory, Exchange and Microsoft 365 withManageEngine ADManager Plus -...
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Oct 20 2023
Friday the 13th PowerShell Fun
Well here are once again and another Friday the 13th. I love these days because I feel challenged to
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Sep 20 2024
Well here are once again and another Friday the 13th. I love these days because I feel challenged to
come up with 13 PowerShell related tidbits which I hope you'll find fun and maybe even a little educational. Manage and Report Active Directory, Exchange and Microsoft 365 withManageEngine ADManager Plus - Download Free Trial Exclusive...
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Sep 20 2024
I know it feels like PowerShell has been around here forever and I guess it has.
@jsnover hasn't aged a bit!
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
@jsnover hasn't aged a bit!
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Painting a Pretty Picture with PowerShell
A few months ago, I wrote about my PSClock module. This is a set of PowerShell commands for creating
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
A few months ago, I wrote about my PSClock module. This is a set of PowerShell commands for creating
a digital clock using a transparent WPF form.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
PowerShell Left-Center-Right
Normally, I'd leave a post like this for a Friday Fun article. But given the situation these days, I
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
Normally, I'd leave a post like this for a Friday Fun article. But given the situation these days, I
thought some of you might like to start your week off with a little fun. And maybe even learn a little PowerShell along the way. If your family is anything like mine, you are hopefully spending...
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
PowerShell Podcast ScriptingChallenge
This is the PowerShell scripting challenge from my appearance on the PowerShell Podcast
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jan 12 2024
This is the PowerShell scripting challenge from my appearance on the PowerShell Podcast
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jan 12 2024
PowerShell Puzzles and Challenges
I just wrapped up presenting to the Research Triangle PowerShell User Group. I gave them a set of
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
I just wrapped up presenting to the Research Triangle PowerShell User Group. I gave them a set of
PowerShell problems to solve. The idea is that in solving the problem, you improve your PowerShell skills and expertise. Tonight's problems were not scripting problems. The answers to these puzzles are not limited to one-line commands, although some might. Most of these problems should be solved with no more than a few lines of PowerShell code that you would run interactively at a PowerShell prompt.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
A demonstration class based PowerShell module
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
A demonstration class based PowerShell module
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
I love having a big clock on my monitor right where I can see it. Very handy with a 41" display.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jan 26 2024
I love having a big clock on my monitor right where I can see it. Very handy with a 41" display.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jan 26 2024
A module for creating and running quizzes to learn PowerShell - GitHub -
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Aug 11 2023
A module for creating and running quizzes to learn PowerShell - GitHub -
jdhitsolutions/PSQuizMaster: A module for creating and running quizzes to learn PowerShell
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Aug 11 2023
Show ANSI Samples
Earlier this week I did a live session for the PSPowerHour. I talked about ways to dress up your
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Earlier this week I did a live session for the PSPowerHour. I talked about ways to dress up your
PowerShell work and console sessions. One of things I talked about was using ANSI escape sequences to add some color.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Taking a Shortcut Path in Your PowerShell Prompt
To kick off the new year I thought I'd take a shortcut and reclaim some wasted space in my
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
To kick off the new year I thought I'd take a shortcut and reclaim some wasted space in my
PowerShell prompt. I know I run into this issue during classes and conferences. Perhaps you encounter it as well. You are in in the PowerShell console and have ended up in a deep directory structure so that you prompt and console now look like this:
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
The PowerShell Magic 8 Ball
I have a short script that uses Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) to create a spooky graphical
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
I have a short script that uses Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) to create a spooky graphical
prompt that allows you to ask questions of a Magic 8 Ball (this name may be trademarked or otherwise protected). For those of you who may not be familiar with it, this is a toy shaped like a giant 8 ball from a billiards game. You ask a question aloud, shake the ball and look at the bottom to get an answer. I did the same thing with PowerShell.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
Upcoming Events
Hope you can drop in on the monthly #PowerShell chat Friday from 1-2PM Eastern. Use #PSTweetChat to
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Hope you can drop in on the monthly #PowerShell chat Friday from 1-2PM Eastern. Use #PSTweetChat to
follow along
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
#PSTweetChat from 1-2 PM Eastern Today
Open chat on Twitter about all things PowerShell
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
Open chat on Twitter about all things PowerShell
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022