Mike F Robbins
Blogs, Articles, and Posts
Automatically convert a PowerShell command to use splatting
You have a lengthy multi-parameter PowerShell command that you'd like to convert to use splatting.
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Oct 20 2023
You have a lengthy multi-parameter PowerShell command that you'd like to convert to use splatting.
For example, you want to convert the following command for
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Oct 20 2023
Create Calculated Properties in PowerShell with Select-Object, Format-Table, and Format-List
PowerShell offers a range of cmdlets and functionalities that allow you to format and manipulate
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Sep 29 2023
PowerShell offers a range of cmdlets and functionalities that allow you to format and manipulate
data in countless ways. One such feature is the ability to create calculated properties using Select-Object, Format-Table, and Format-List. Calculated properties allow you to create custom objects, enabling more effective data management and presentation.
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Sep 29 2023
Enable PowerShell remoting on ArcoLinux
PowerShell is a cross-platform scripting language that runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS. ArcoLinux
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Aug 26 2022
PowerShell is a cross-platform scripting language that runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS. ArcoLinux
is a rolling release Linux distribution based on Arch Linux.
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Aug 26 2022
Find paired Azure region locations with Azure PowerShell
In this article, you learn how to add a custom property to the Azure PowerShell Get-AzLocation
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Aug 23 2024
In this article, you learn how to add a custom property to the Azure PowerShell Get-AzLocation
cmdlet output to display the physical location for paired regions in Azure. This information isn't available by default but can help you understand the resiliency and redundancy of your Azure resources like geo-redundant storage (GRS) and other Azure services that rely on Azure Storage for replication.
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Aug 23 2024
Format the output of a string in multiple columns with PowerShell
In my previous blog article, I used the PowerShell Format-Wide cmdlet to format the output of a
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Jun 16 2022
In my previous blog article, I used the PowerShell Format-Wide cmdlet to format the output of a
string in multiple columns. While Format-Wide isn't a command that I've used extensively, the behavior wasn't what I expected.
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Jun 16 2022
Formatting PowerShell 7 code like Kusto Query Language
An obscure feature that was added to PowerShell in version 7 is the ability to specify the pipe
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Jun 15 2022
An obscure feature that was added to PowerShell in version 7 is the ability to specify the pipe
character on the next line similar to the syntax for Kusto Query Language (KQL).
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Jun 15 2022
Generating PowerShell module documentation with platyPS
Creating accurate and efficient documentation is paramount in technical writing, especially for
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Dec 1 2023
Creating accurate and efficient documentation is paramount in technical writing, especially for
PowerShell modules. platyPS, an open-source module, emerged as a solution for generating Markdown-based reference content for PowerShell modules. This article provides a comprehensive guide for using platyPS to create and maintain high-quality reference documentation for your PowerShell module, enhancing the experience for both module authors and users.
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Dec 1 2023
How to configure Azure PowerShell global settings with the *-AzConfig cmdlets
This article is a brief introduction designed to raise awareness about the *-AzConfig cmdlets in
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Jul 7 2023
This article is a brief introduction designed to raise awareness about the *-AzConfig cmdlets in
Azure PowerShell. These cmdlets, introduced in the Az PowerShell module version 9, are used to configure your global settings for Azure PowerShell.
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Jul 7 2023
How to install PowerShell 7 and essential tools on Linux
As you prepare for the OnRamp track at the PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit, this guide walks you
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Sep 27 2024
As you prepare for the OnRamp track at the PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit, this guide walks you
through installing the essential tools on your Ubuntu Linux system if that's your preferred operating system. You'll learn how to install PowerShell version 7, Visual Studio Code, and the PowerShell extension for VS Code to ensure your system is prepared for the event. If you're using Windows 11, refer to the companion article, How to install PowerShell 7 and essential tools on Windows 11. A future article covers installations on macOS.
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Sep 27 2024
How to install PowerShell 7 and essential tools on macOS
As you prepare for the OnRamp track at the PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit, this guide walks you
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Nov 15 2024
As you prepare for the OnRamp track at the PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit, this guide walks you
through installing the essential tools on your macOS system, if that's your preferred operating system. You'll learn to install PowerShell version 7, Visual Studio Code, and the PowerShell extension for VS Code to ensure your system is prepared for the event.
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Nov 15 2024
Install PowerShell on ArcoLinux
ArcoLinux is a rolling release Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. Like other Arch-based Linux
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Jul 1 2022
ArcoLinux is a rolling release Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. Like other Arch-based Linux
distributions, ArcoLinux uses pacman for its package manager.
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Jul 1 2022
Navigating the Nuances of PowerShell Syntax with Get-Help and Get-Command
When working with PowerShell, it's essential to understand the tools available for exploring cmdlets
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Nov 3 2023
When working with PowerShell, it's essential to understand the tools available for exploring cmdlets
and their syntax. Both Get-Help and Get-Command are invaluable resources for discovering and understanding cmdlet syntax in PowerShell.
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Nov 3 2023
Securing API Keys with PowerShell Secrets Management in Azure Key Vault
In today's ever-evolving digital landscape, where data and applications are increasingly
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Oct 13 2023
In today's ever-evolving digital landscape, where data and applications are increasingly
interconnected, safeguarding sensitive information such as API keys has never been more important. These keys grant access to valuable resources and services, making them targets for malicious actors if not adequately protected. Azure Key Vault offers a robust and secure solution for managing and storing API keys and other secrets. This article explores how you can leverage PowerShell Secrets Management with Azure Key Vault to ensure the security of your API keys.
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Oct 13 2023
Splitting the PowerShell PSModulePath Cross-Platform
The $env:PSModulePath environment variable contains a list of directory locations that PowerShell
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Feb 24 2023
The $env:PSModulePath environment variable contains a list of directory locations that PowerShell
searches to locate modules
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Feb 24 2023
The not so simplified syntax of Where-Object in PowerShell
PowerShell 3.0 introduced several notable improvements to its cmdlet library, with one of the most
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Mar 7 2025
PowerShell 3.0 introduced several notable improvements to its cmdlet library, with one of the most
useful features in this release being the simplified syntax for the Where-Object cmdlet. This enhancement made filtering objects more efficient and user-friendly by introducing Property and Value parameters and a switch parameter for every comparison operator. This article explores how these changes work, their usefulness, and how to leverage them in your scripts.
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Mar 7 2025
Understanding the Clean block in PowerShell
PowerShell, a powerful scripting language and automation framework, provides features that enhance
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Jun 14 2024
PowerShell, a powerful scripting language and automation framework, provides features that enhance
script development and execution. Among these features is the clean block, a lesser-known yet beneficial component in PowerShell functions. This article explores the clean block, its purpose, and how to use it effectively in PowerShell scripts.
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Jun 14 2024
Use PowerShell to determine the Windows version on DVD, ISO, or USB installation media
You're preparing to load an operating system. You find installation media for an unknown version of
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Jun 17 2022
You're preparing to load an operating system. You find installation media for an unknown version of
Windows. It's not labeled. How do you determine the version of Windows on the installation media?
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Jun 17 2022
Use symlinks to version-control your PowerShell profile with Git
PowerShell is a versatile command-line shell and scripting environment that empowers system
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Nov 10 2023
PowerShell is a versatile command-line shell and scripting environment that empowers system
administrators and developers to automate tasks and manage systems more efficiently. One of PowerShell's features is its profile, a script that runs when you start a PowerShell session. Storing your PowerShell profile in a Git repository is an excellent option when working across multiple systems or when you want to version-control your setup. This article discusses using symbolic links to manage your PowerShell profile with Git.
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Nov 10 2023
Use the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) to inspect PowerShell command syntax in scripts
I recently needed to determine the PowerShell commands and parameters used in multiple scripts. What
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Jun 16 2022
I recently needed to determine the PowerShell commands and parameters used in multiple scripts. What
better way to accomplish this task than to use the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)?
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Jun 16 2022
Use the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) to list parameters and variables in PowerShell functions
One thing I've missed during the past couple of years with virtual-only conferences is the hallway
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Jun 16 2022
One thing I've missed during the past couple of years with virtual-only conferences is the hallway
track. While at the PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit 2022, there was a discussion about using PascalCase for parameter names and camelCase for user-defined variables in your PowerShell functions.
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Jun 16 2022
Using PowerShell to Retrieve Exchange Mailbox Statistics for Office 365 Migrations
Recently, I've been working on trying to finish up a migration from Exchange Server 2010 to Office
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Jun 15 2022
Recently, I've been working on trying to finish up a migration from Exchange Server 2010 to Office
365. There are potentially numerous mailboxes that aren't used and those won't be migrated to Office 365 because there's no sense in paying for licensing for them. How do you determine what mailboxes are in use?
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Jun 15 2022
Using the conditional ternary operator for simplified if/else syntax in PowerShell 7
The conditional ternary operator is a feature added to PowerShell in version 7. You can use it as a
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Jun 16 2022
The conditional ternary operator is a feature added to PowerShell in version 7. You can use it as a
simplified version of if/else.
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Jun 16 2022
Projects, Scripts, and Modules
Checking to see if I’ve missed any episodes of the PowerShell podcast
For the code to select and open a PowerShell podcast episode webpage with PowerShell
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Dec 13 2024
For the code to select and open a PowerShell podcast episode webpage with PowerShell
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Dec 13 2024
Detecting Windows Terminal with PowerShell
In the evolving landscape of software development and system administration, understanding your
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:May 17 2024
In the evolving landscape of software development and system administration, understanding your
environment is essential for ensuring that scripts and commands run as expected. One useful PowerShell function that helps identify whether a script is running within Windows Terminal is my Test-IsWindowsTerminal function. This function is valuable for developers and system administrators who must tailor their scripts based on the terminal environment.
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:May 17 2024
Books, Media, and Learning Resources
PowerShell 101
Reluctant to learn PowerShell? This condensed version book targets the specific topics you need to
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Jul 19 2024
Reluctant to learn PowerShell? This condensed version book targets the specific topics you need to
know to be successful in a real-world production environment.
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Jul 19 2024
PowerShell 101: The No-Nonsense Guide to Windows PowerShell
What does the flower on the cover of this book have to do with PowerShell? Flowers grow from the
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Nov 10 2023
What does the flower on the cover of this book have to do with PowerShell? Flowers grow from the
ground up. My goal with this book is to help you build your PowerShell skills from the ground up and be well on your way to writing PowerShell code that's as beautiful as the daylily on the cover of this book by the time you finish it.
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Nov 10 2023
How many Services does Microsoft Azure Offer?
I've recently wondered how many service offerings Azure has. I've read anywhere from 150 to 600 and
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Jun 15 2022
I've recently wondered how many service offerings Azure has. I've read anywhere from 150 to 600 and
I even went so far as to ask an Azure Product Manager but still didn't receive a clear answer. What I did find out is that Microsoft maintains an Azure services directory on their Azure products website. I figured that was a good place to start looking and while the website is informative, it didn't provide a count of the service offerings. Manually counting them wouldn't be an efficient or accurate way of accomplishing the task of determining how many services are offered so I decided to use PowerShell for the task.
By: Mike F Robbins submitted:Jun 15 2022