4 Ways to Create PowerShell Objects
PowerShell is object based scripting language and it is good practice to create objects to return,
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
PowerShell is object based scripting language and it is good practice to create objects to return,
store and manipulate information instead of text. But are you aware that there are 4 ways to create objects in PowerShell
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
A Best Practice Guide To Creating A PowerShell Module
Building a Powershell Module might be a daunting task for someone without much PS experience. But
By: Paul Contreras submitted:Jun 16 2022
Building a Powershell Module might be a daunting task for someone without much PS experience. But
what if I told you, creating a module can be as simple as grouping multiple functions together and renaming the extension to psm1. It sounds a lot less complicated when you put it that way.
By: Paul Contreras submitted:Jun 16 2022
A great discussion on Twitter about when to use PowerShell vs C#
Whenever I review PowerShell from someone who is really good at it, I'm always envious. But
By: David Pine submitted:Jun 16 2022
Whenever I review PowerShell from someone who is really good at it, I'm always envious. But
sometimes, when there is a lot of code...I think to myself, this would be better in a .NET app, for testability
By: David Pine submitted:Jun 16 2022
A Powershell Template For Creating The Perfect Function
Anytime I'm writing a new Powershell script I always find my self scratching my head trying to
By: Paul Contreras submitted:Jun 16 2022
Anytime I'm writing a new Powershell script I always find my self scratching my head trying to
recall the exact syntax inside the parameter block. Even though I've created hundreds of scripts in my day, I always use a template because its much easier. Today I'm going to share with the exact Powershell template I use when creating my Powershell Scripts.
By: Paul Contreras submitted:Jun 16 2022
A simple PowerShell script template I use when creating new scripts
I spin up new PowerShell scripts all the time, whether just for quickly experimenting and testing
By: Dan Schroeder submitted:May 31 2024
I spin up new PowerShell scripts all the time, whether just for quickly experimenting and testing
things out, or for projects that I know will be around for a while. There's a few basic things that I like all my scripts to have, so I've created a simple template that I use when creating new scripts.
By: Dan Schroeder submitted:May 31 2024
Add telemetry to your PowerShell module
Ah, telemetry. Very ubiquitous today, telemetry is collected from many software companies, device
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
Ah, telemetry. Very ubiquitous today, telemetry is collected from many software companies, device
vendors and so on. Often telemetry includes PII, personally identifiable information, which of course is a no-go. This post aims to explain how you can responsibly collect telemetry for your PowerShell module to track its usage, version distribution and much more. I will show you the steps you need to take to use Azure ApplicationInsights to collect and Power BI to visualize your telemetry.
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
Adding color to bracket pairs
When dealing with deeply nested brackets in Visual Studio, it can be hard to figure out which
By: Mads Kristensen submitted:Sep 9 2022
When dealing with deeply nested brackets in Visual Studio, it can be hard to figure out which
brackets match and which do not. For people with color blindness or other optic maladies, the problem can be even worse. By color-coding bracket pairs,
By: Mads Kristensen submitted:Sep 9 2022
Announcing PlatyPS 2.0.0-Preview1
PowerShell external help files have been authored by hand or using complex tool chains and stored as
By: Jason Helmick submitted:Jun 16 2022
PowerShell external help files have been authored by hand or using complex tool chains and stored as
MAML XML for use as console help. MAML is cumbersome to edit by hand, and common tools and editors don't support it for complex scenarios like they do with markdown. Markdown is adopted widely by Open Source, supported by many editors including Visual Studio Code, and with minimal rules, easier to author. PlatyPS is provided as a solution to allow documenting PowerShell help in any editor or tool that supports markdown.
By: Jason Helmick submitted:Jun 16 2022
Best Practices Make Perfect
Over the last several weeks, I've been sharing and demonstrating techniques for writing effective
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Nov 17 2023
Over the last several weeks, I've been sharing and demonstrating techniques for writing effective
PowerShell functions. I know I've mentioned a few recommended best practices. But since they are important, I want to review and re-emphasize them. These practices will make your code easier to write, debug or troubleshoot and more secure. I'd like to think some of them are simply common sense, but sometimes we need someone to remind us. These items are not in any particular order.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Nov 17 2023
Building a Notion PowerShell Module: Part 3
Learn the next steps of building a PowerShell Notion module in this in-depth PowerShell tutorial by
By: Adam Listek submitted:Nov 17 2023
Learn the next steps of building a PowerShell Notion module in this in-depth PowerShell tutorial by
ATA Learning!
By: Adam Listek submitted:Nov 17 2023
Building PowerShell for Speed
In every scripter's journey, a script is never fast enough. To remedy this, let's cover some ways on
By: Tyler Muir submitted:Jun 16 2022
In every scripter's journey, a script is never fast enough. To remedy this, let's cover some ways on
how to get the performance of your PowerShell scripts to the highest it can be.
By: Tyler Muir submitted:Jun 16 2022
Building PowerShell Module – YouTube
how to organise your source files and build with ease
By: Kamil Pro submitted:Jun 16 2022
how to organise your source files and build with ease
By: Kamil Pro submitted:Jun 16 2022
Building PowerShell module on Azure DevOps pipeline – step by step guide – YouTube
The World talks constantly about DevOps, CI/CI pipelines, automation - which great, but where to
By: Kamil Pro submitted:Jun 15 2022
The World talks constantly about DevOps, CI/CI pipelines, automation - which great, but where to
actually start? Especially when you've been writing PowerShell which is often used as automation language, but not actually as programming language?
By: Kamil Pro submitted:Jun 15 2022
Building Secure PowerShell Solutions with Jake Hildreth
In this episode of the PowerShell Podcast, we welcome back security-focused PowerShell expert Jake
By: The Powershell Podcast submitted:Feb 14 2025
In this episode of the PowerShell Podcast, we welcome back security-focused PowerShell expert Jake
Hildreth for an insightful conversation about PowerShell, security tools, and his continued journey in the PowerShell community. Jake shares updates on Locksmith v2, his work with PowerPUG, and his experience learning new PowerShell techniques to refine and improve his tools.
By: The Powershell Podcast submitted:Feb 14 2025
Call REST APIs with Invoke-RestMethod in PowerShell – YouTube
In this video, we look at the basics of REST APIs. Next, we dive deep into Invoke-RestMethod. We'll
By: Adam Driscoll submitted:Jun 16 2022
In this video, we look at the basics of REST APIs. Next, we dive deep into Invoke-RestMethod. We'll
look at various methods, status codes, headers, query string parameters, cookies, sessions, authentication, sending files, processing JSON, XML and text and finally we look at retries, redirects and timeouts.
By: Adam Driscoll submitted:Jun 16 2022
ClassExplorer: Discover the API you need with ease
ClassExplorer is a PowerShell module that enables quickly searching the AppDomain for classes and
By: Patrick Meinecke submitted:Jun 16 2022
ClassExplorer is a PowerShell module that enables quickly searching the AppDomain for classes and
By: Patrick Meinecke submitted:Jun 16 2022
Orginally a feature of PowerShell Pro Tools, this module provides the ability to convert between C#
By: Ironman Software, LLC submitted:Nov 18 2022
Orginally a feature of PowerShell Pro Tools, this module provides the ability to convert between C#
and PowerShell. No license required.
By: Ironman Software, LLC submitted:Nov 18 2022
Compiling PowerShell 7 Scripts into an Executable
We're happy to announce the return of PowerShell 7 script packaging! You can now target PowerShell 7
By: Adam Driscoll submitted:Jun 16 2022
We're happy to announce the return of PowerShell 7 script packaging! You can now target PowerShell 7
as a packaging target with PowerShell Pro Tools for Visual Studio, VS Code, and with Merge-Script. We're even introducing experimental Linux and Mac support. You'll be able to run your scripts cross-platform!
By: Adam Driscoll submitted:Jun 16 2022
Convert .ps1 Files to .exe Files
Have you ever dreamed of creating exe files out of your PowerShell scripts? If yes, read on. In this
By: Patrick Gruenauer submitted:Jun 16 2022
Have you ever dreamed of creating exe files out of your PowerShell scripts? If yes, read on. In this
post I will show you how you can create exe files with a small and simple program called ps2exe.
By: Patrick Gruenauer submitted:Jun 16 2022
Creating a Class Definition from an Existing Object – Part 3
Wrapping up this series, we add methods and recursive capability to the ConvertTo-ClassDefinition
By: Dave Carroll submitted:Jun 16 2022
Wrapping up this series, we add methods and recursive capability to the ConvertTo-ClassDefinition
function for this Iron Scripter challenge walk-through.
By: Dave Carroll submitted:Jun 16 2022
Debug PowerShell with and without VS Code – YouTube
In this video I walk through how to debug PowerShell code using VS Code native features and the
By: John Savill submitted:Jun 16 2022
In this video I walk through how to debug PowerShell code using VS Code native features and the
native PowerShell debugger.
By: John Savill submitted:Jun 16 2022
Debugging PowerShell Modules with Pester Unit Tests in Visual Studio Code
If you are the author of a PowerShell module, you can use the built-in debugging tools in Microsoft
By: Trevor Sullivan submitted:Jun 16 2022
If you are the author of a PowerShell module, you can use the built-in debugging tools in Microsoft
Visual Studio Code to debug your script modules. In this video, we'll build a simple PowerShell script module, and then use the Pester unit testing module to write some failing tests. Then, we'll set a breakpoint in our module and break into the debugger when we execute the Pester unit tests. Once execution is paused, we'll step through the module code line by line, to discover where things are going wrong. We'll then fix the module code, and ensure that our Pester unit tests are passing.
By: Trevor Sullivan submitted:Jun 16 2022
Debugging PowerShell Scripts in Visual Studio 2019 (YouTube)
In this video, Adam shows how to debug PowerShell scripts in Visual Studio 2019 and PowerShell Tools
By: Adam Driscoll submitted:Jun 16 2022
In this video, Adam shows how to debug PowerShell scripts in Visual Studio 2019 and PowerShell Tools
for Visual Studio. You can download PowerShell Tools for Visual Studio from the Visual Studio Marketplace.
By: Adam Driscoll submitted:Jun 16 2022
Deep dive into a custom class in PowerShell
On November 7th I published a post about my new Powershell module Passphraser. I have been using
By: Lage Berger Jensen submitted:Jun 15 2022
On November 7th I published a post about my new Powershell module Passphraser. I have been using
this module to test Plaster, Pester, psake, platyPS, Appveyor and ReadTheDocs. I have also been wanting to explore custom classes in Powershell, so I figured Passphraser would be the perfect platform. This allows me to get a passphrase as an object which I can manipulate further to my needs. I wrote a little bit about this in an update to my post on Passphraser, but here I'll dig deeper into the class itself.
By: Lage Berger Jensen submitted:Jun 15 2022
Demo the Scope Pyramid for Functions in Modules
Friedrich put together a great little POC to show how the scopes in PowerShell work. Specifically
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
Friedrich put together a great little POC to show how the scopes in PowerShell work. Specifically
around how modules see things.
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
Designing Professional Parameters
With the help of the attribute [Parameter()], you can define sophisticated PowerShell parameters
By: Dr. Tobias Weltner submitted:Jun 15 2022
With the help of the attribute [Parameter()], you can define sophisticated PowerShell parameters
that enhance usability and versatility of your functions.
By: Dr. Tobias Weltner submitted:Jun 15 2022
Dev Drive for Performance Improvements in Visual Studio and Dev Boxes!
Performance has always been one of our key investment areas for developer tooling in Microsoft. We
By: Grace Taylor submitted:May 26 2023
Performance has always been one of our key investment areas for developer tooling in Microsoft. We
understand that it's important for developers to have a fast workflow. That's why we're excited to share with you the support of Dev Drives in Visual Studio!
By: Grace Taylor submitted:May 26 2023
Diagnosing Common Windows Problems with PowerShell
Although Windows 10 is the most stable and reliable version of Windows that Microsoft has created in
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
Although Windows 10 is the most stable and reliable version of Windows that Microsoft has created in
quite some time, things can, and occasionally do go wrong. Thankfully, there are a number of different diagnostic and troubleshooting tools built into the operating system. In fact, you can diagnose a wide variety of Windows problems through PowerShell by leveraging the built-in troubleshooting packs.
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
Display Execution Time In PowerShell Prompt
Let Mark show you a pretty cool way to easily see the efficiency of your code.
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
Let Mark show you a pretty cool way to easily see the efficiency of your code.
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
Don’t waste your time with ($PSEdition -eq ‘Core’) in your PowerShell module manifest/psd1
I cannot believe my eyes.
By: Chrissy LeMaire submitted:Mar 10 2023
I cannot believe my eyes.
By: Chrissy LeMaire submitted:Mar 10 2023
Enhancing PowerShell with Python
PowerShell, a powerful command-line shell and scripting language, can be extended and customized to
By: Severino Tessarin submitted:Jan 19 2024
PowerShell, a powerful command-line shell and scripting language, can be extended and customized to
work harmoniously with Python.
By: Severino Tessarin submitted:Jan 19 2024
Everything you wanted to know about the IF statement
Like many other languages, PowerShell has statements for conditionally executing code in your
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
Like many other languages, PowerShell has statements for conditionally executing code in your
scripts. One of those statements is the?if?statement. Today we will take a deep dive into one of the most fundamental commands in PowerShell.
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
Exit, Throw, Return, Break and Continue. A Round up
A great write-up on when and how to use Exit, Throw, Return, Break and Continue in your PowerShell
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
A great write-up on when and how to use Exit, Throw, Return, Break and Continue in your PowerShell
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
Finding Performance Bottlenecks
Check out the code and slides from Mike’s Finding Performance Bottlenecks with PowerShell
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
Check out the code and slides from Mike’s Finding Performance Bottlenecks with PowerShell
session at this year’s PowerShell Summit.
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
Five shortcuts to boost your productivity
Taking full advantage of the Visual Studio editor features will make you a more productive
By: Mads Kristensen submitted:Jan 13 2023
Taking full advantage of the Visual Studio editor features will make you a more productive
developer. Any keyboard warrior will tell you that knowing the right shortcuts boosts that productivity even further. So, we've put together a short little video that demonstrates some useful shortcuts you can use while coding in Visual Studio.
By: Mads Kristensen submitted:Jan 13 2023
General Guidance on Conversion to C# Cmdlets
A great discussion on converting script modules into C# cmdlet modules.
By: Dave Carroll submitted:Jun 16 2022
A great discussion on converting script modules into C# cmdlet modules.
By: Dave Carroll submitted:Jun 16 2022
Get up to speed with Plaster with James Petty
For the October 2021 meeting of the SoCal PowerShell User Group, James Petty took some time to
By: SoCal PowerShell User Group submitted:Jun 16 2022
For the October 2021 meeting of the SoCal PowerShell User Group, James Petty took some time to
explore Plaster and how it can help us standardize our PowerShell module development.
By: SoCal PowerShell User Group submitted:Jun 16 2022
Getting Started with PowerShell Gallery
Learn how to leverage the PowerShell Gallery for more efficient and effective PowerShell scripting
By: Nicholas Xuan Nguyen submitted:Jan 13 2023
Learn how to leverage the PowerShell Gallery for more efficient and effective PowerShell scripting
in this ATA Learning tutorial.
By: Nicholas Xuan Nguyen submitted:Jan 13 2023
How does Powershell deal with processing/storing massive objects in terms of memory management?
I deal with a lot of massive log analysis and reporting. I often am worried about resource
By: u/cazmajor submitted:Sep 9 2022
I deal with a lot of massive log analysis and reporting. I often am worried about resource
utilisation when scripts are running on remote/customer servers that need to process millions of lines. Instead of variables I would just write everything off to a file. However, with things like invoking commands in parallel this doesn't work well as there is a need for mutexes where a thread aware collection would work so much better.
By: u/cazmajor submitted:Sep 9 2022
How Scopes Work in PowerShell
When you write a PowerShell script with no functions and no external dependencies on other scripts,
By: Tyler Muir submitted:Jun 15 2022
When you write a PowerShell script with no functions and no external dependencies on other scripts,
the concept of PowerShell scopes isn?t of much concern. But as you begin to build functions, modules and learn to call scripts from other scripts, the topic becomes more important.
By: Tyler Muir submitted:Jun 15 2022
How to create a PowerShell Module with multiple Functions
In this blog post, I will show you how to create a module with multiple functions using an example.
By: Patrick Gruenauer submitted:Jan 13 2023
In this blog post, I will show you how to create a module with multiple functions using an example.
You will see that this is not rocket science. Let's jump in.
By: Patrick Gruenauer submitted:Jan 13 2023
How to Efficiently Remove Comments from Your PowerShell Script
As part of my daily development, I create lots of code that I subsequently comment on and leave to
By: Przemyslaw Klys submitted:Aug 25 2023
As part of my daily development, I create lots of code that I subsequently comment on and leave to
ensure I understand what I tried, what worked, and what didn't. This is my usual method of solving a problem. Sure, I could commit it to git and then look it up, and I do that, but that doesn't change my behavior where I happen to have lots of "junk" inside of my functions that stay commented out. While this works for me, and I've accepted this as part of my process, I don't believe this should be part of the production code on PowerShellGallery or when the code is deployed.
By: Przemyslaw Klys submitted:Aug 25 2023
How To Setup A Github Actions Pipeline For Publishing Your PowerShell Module
In this post, I will walk through how I set up a Github Actions Workflow Pipeline for publishing a
By: Christian Hoejsager submitted:Jun 16 2022
In this post, I will walk through how I set up a Github Actions Workflow Pipeline for publishing a
PowerShell module to the PowerShell Gallery.
By: Christian Hoejsager submitted:Jun 16 2022
How to Write Awesome Functions with PowerShell Parameter Sets
PowerShell parameter sets are a great tool to have in your function writing arsenal. With PowerShell
By: Jeff Brown submitted:Jun 16 2022
PowerShell parameter sets are a great tool to have in your function writing arsenal. With PowerShell
parameter sets, you can create a function that has different parameters for multiple scenarios. The user can specify different parameters so the function can take different actions based on the input.
By: Jeff Brown submitted:Jun 16 2022
How to write Powershell modules with classes
In this article St?phane demonstrates ways to organize your code for PowerShell modules that contain
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
In this article St?phane demonstrates ways to organize your code for PowerShell modules that contain
classes, functions and enums.
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
I finished a script for work but I’m not comfortable showing it to others, what can I do to make it look professional?
A great thread on r/PowerShell about making your scripts look professional.
By: u/bei60 submitted:Jun 16 2022
A great thread on r/PowerShell about making your scripts look professional.
By: u/bei60 submitted:Jun 16 2022
Installing Windows Services Created with PowerShell
Last week we introduced a new PrimalScript template for Windows PowerShell which makes writing
By: Alex Riedel submitted:Jun 15 2022
Last week we introduced a new PrimalScript template for Windows PowerShell which makes writing
Windows Services much easier. In this article, we will show you how to use MSI Builder to create an installer for your Windows Services.
By: Alex Riedel submitted:Jun 15 2022
Live PowerShell Tool Making Part 3
We're back once more to continue building a Crescendo module around the GitHub command line tool
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Feb 17 2023
We're back once more to continue building a Crescendo module around the GitHub command line tool
gh.exe. You've seen how I approach building a PowerShell and the questions and decisions that come up. Now that I've built a few more Crescendo commands, I realize I can begin copying and pasting. Some of the commands I have in mind, I think, will be very similar. Plus, I have my VSCode Crescendo command snippet.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Feb 17 2023
Make More Modules with Adam Bacon
In this episode, we hear from someone whose career has grown alongside PowerShell's. Adam shares
By: The Powershell Podcast submitted:Aug 26 2022
In this episode, we hear from someone whose career has grown alongside PowerShell's. Adam shares
some of the challenges that he's experienced when automating business processes with PowerShell. Starting in the early days of PowerShell, Adam talks about that first experience where he saw the potential of PowerShell. We also spent some time talking about creating GUI applications in PowerShell. We talk about all this, and much more, in this episode.
By: The Powershell Podcast submitted:Aug 26 2022
Make your code faster with Profiler
Making PowerShell code faster has always been a difficult task. There are few DOs and DON'Ts of
By: Jakub Jares submitted:Jun 16 2022
Making PowerShell code faster has always been a difficult task. There are few DOs and DON'Ts of
writing fast PowerShell code, but until now there was not a good way to measure what is actually happening. This changes with my new Profiler module....
By: Jakub Jares submitted:Jun 16 2022
Making Your First Module
Mike Kanakos walks the SoCal PowerShell User Group through the PowerShell module authoring process
By: Mike Kanakos submitted:Jun 16 2022
Mike Kanakos walks the SoCal PowerShell User Group through the PowerShell module authoring process
step by step to get you started on writing your own modules.
By: Mike Kanakos submitted:Jun 16 2022
Mastering PowerShell Parameter Validation with Dynamic Methods
Boost Your Scripting Skills! Dive into Dynamic PowerShell Parameter Validation for Efficient and
By: Adam Bertram submitted:Feb 2 2024
Boost Your Scripting Skills! Dive into Dynamic PowerShell Parameter Validation for Efficient and
Robust Coding. A Must-Read for PowerShell Excellence.
By: Adam Bertram submitted:Feb 2 2024
Module Monday: InvokeBuild
Module Monday is a video series where we show off cool PowerShell modules on Monday. In this video,
By: Adam Driscoll submitted:Jun 16 2022
Module Monday is a video series where we show off cool PowerShell modules on Monday. In this video,
we look at InvokeBuild. InvokeBuild provides the ability to create build scripts with PowerShell.
By: Adam Driscoll submitted:Jun 16 2022
More PowerShell Parameter Planning
In the last article, I started an exploration of parameter planning. The mechanics of adding a
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Feb 24 2023
In the last article, I started an exploration of parameter planning. The mechanics of adding a
parameter to your PowerShell function is easy. But deciding exactly what you need requires planning and forethought. If you make smart decisions up front, your function will be easier to use and less error-prone.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Feb 24 2023
Porting System.Web.Security.Membership.GeneratePassword() to PowerShell
This post shows how to port a C# method into PowerShell
By: Francisco Nabas submitted:May 12 2023
This post shows how to port a C# method into PowerShell
By: Francisco Nabas submitted:May 12 2023
PowerShell – IntelliJ IDEs Plugin
Provides PowerShell code completion and script execution support for IntelliJ IDEs.
By: Andrey Dernov submitted:Aug 23 2024
Provides PowerShell code completion and script execution support for IntelliJ IDEs.
By: Andrey Dernov submitted:Aug 23 2024
Powershell Application Insights Telemetry
Report the results and performance of any scriptblock to Azure Application Insights
By: Justin Grote submitted:Jun 16 2022
Report the results and performance of any scriptblock to Azure Application Insights
By: Justin Grote submitted:Jun 16 2022
PowerShell Begin Process End Blocks Demystified
If you want to take your PowerShell function writing skills to the next level, consider implementing
By: Jeff Brown submitted:Jan 13 2023
If you want to take your PowerShell function writing skills to the next level, consider implementing
Begin, Process, and End blocks. These input processing methods enable your functions to process pipeline input and multiple parameter values. In this article, you will learn the basic syntax of PowerShell Begin, Process, and End blocks.
By: Jeff Brown submitted:Jan 13 2023
PowerShell Classes and SessionState
Since PowerShell class methods are implemented as ScriptBlocks internally, the concept of the Bound
By: mdgrs submitted:Aug 25 2023
Since PowerShell class methods are implemented as ScriptBlocks internally, the concept of the Bound
and Unbound ScriptBlocks that I talked about in my previous article also applies to them.
By: mdgrs submitted:Aug 25 2023
PowerShell Module Authoring Considerations
A module manifest that does not use the following guidelines can have a noticeable impact on general
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
A module manifest that does not use the following guidelines can have a noticeable impact on general
PowerShell performance even if the module is not used in a session.
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking
Several years ago Don Jones and I wrote what we hoped would be the definitive book on PowerShell
By: Jeffery Hicks submitted:May 31 2024
Several years ago Don Jones and I wrote what we hoped would be the definitive book on PowerShell
scripting and toolmaking. The book takes all off our years of experience, not only from writing PowerShell code, to teaching and conference presentations where we hear first hand what people struggle with.
By: Jeffery Hicks submitted:May 31 2024
PowerShell Tutorial – CH10 – HashTables
Access a hash table value by key. Creating a Hash Table. Add a key value pair to hash table. Remove
By: TeachJing submitted:Jun 16 2022
Access a hash table value by key. Creating a Hash Table. Add a key value pair to hash table. Remove
a key value pair from hash table. Enumerating through keys and Key-Value Pairs
By: TeachJing submitted:Jun 16 2022
PowerShell Universal Visual Studio Code Extension
Today, I'm happy to announce the release of the first version of the PowerShell Universal Visual
By: Adam Driscoll submitted:Jun 16 2022
Today, I'm happy to announce the release of the first version of the PowerShell Universal Visual
Studio Code Extension! This extension provides some features to make it easier to get up and running with Universal and initially aids in authoring dashboards.
By: Adam Driscoll submitted:Jun 16 2022
PowerShell ValidateScript: Building Better Functions
When creating PowerShell functions, validating input to parameters is important. Parameter
By: June Castillote submitted:Jun 15 2022
When creating PowerShell functions, validating input to parameters is important. Parameter
validation allows you to limit what is passed to functions. In this article, you're going to learn how to catch problems before they become one with the PowerShell ValidateScript validation attribute.
By: June Castillote submitted:Jun 15 2022
Example ALC structures to use with in a PowerShell module - GitHub - jborean93/PowerShell-ALC:
By: Jordan Borean submitted:Dec 1 2023
Example ALC structures to use with in a PowerShell module - GitHub - jborean93/PowerShell-ALC:
Example ALC structures to use with in a PowerShell module
By: Jordan Borean submitted:Dec 1 2023
Powershell: Building Micro Modules
Kevin Marquette provides a quick and easy to follow guide on building your own little micro modules
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
Kevin Marquette provides a quick and easy to follow guide on building your own little micro modules
that you can use over and over.How to Write Serverless PowerShell Code for AWS LambdaChris Wahl gives you everything you need to know to start moving to a serverless world with AWS Lambda.PowerShell Universal Dashboard – Getting Started with Universal DashboardLee Berg gives a great presentation on getting started with Universal Dashboard. Be sure to follow him on Twitch for more great content and livestreams.
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
PowerShell: Enabling Strict Mode
PowerShell is very forgiving of errors. For example, if you call something that does not exist, then
By: Patrick Gruenauer submitted:Mar 10 2023
PowerShell is very forgiving of errors. For example, if you call something that does not exist, then
no error message is displayed. In this short article I want to show you how [...]
By: Patrick Gruenauer submitted:Mar 10 2023
Powershell: Everything you wanted to know about $null
The PowerShell?$null?often appears to be simple but it has a lot of nuances. Let?s take a close look
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
The PowerShell?$null?often appears to be simple but it has a lot of nuances. Let?s take a close look
at?$null?so you know what happens when you unexpectedly run into a?$nullvalue.
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
Practical PowerShell: Error Handling
Writing PowerShell scripts can be a fulfilling task. After all, you write something to assist with a
By: Michel De Rooij submitted:Jul 12 2024
Writing PowerShell scripts can be a fulfilling task. After all, you write something to assist with a
task or procedure so you can focus on the result, not the task itself. But what if your script tries to run an action and is unsuccessful, for example, when a user the script attempts to manipulate is invalid or the signed in account has insufficient permissions to run a cmdlet? And do not forget the peculiarities of the online world, such as a network connection dropping or an authentication token expiring.
By: Michel De Rooij submitted:Jul 12 2024
Practical PowerShell: The Dark Power of Dynamic Parameters
In this episode of Practical PowerShell, we dive into the dark power of dynamic parameters, and how
By: Michel De Rooij submitted:Oct 25 2024
In this episode of Practical PowerShell, we dive into the dark power of dynamic parameters, and how
to use them within in functions and scripts.
By: Michel De Rooij submitted:Oct 25 2024
Prerelease of PSFunctionTools for PowerShell
At the end of last year wrote a series of blog posts describing tools and techniques for working
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
At the end of last year wrote a series of blog posts describing tools and techniques for working
with PowerShell scripts and functions. My goal was to build a framework of tools that I could use to automate PowerShell scripting work, such as creating a new module from a group of existing files. I've finally...
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
PrimalScript 2020 adds PowerShell 7 support
PrimalScript 2020 (7.7.139) adds PowerShell 7 support. While we have had the ability to run scripts
By: SAPIEN Technologies submitted:Jun 15 2022
PrimalScript 2020 (7.7.139) adds PowerShell 7 support. While we have had the ability to run scripts
in a PowerShell 6 or 7 console for some time, support for new language elements, packaging, etc. was not implemented yet. Now that PowerShell 7 was released, we have added full support for it across the board. I should note here that we do not install PowerShell 7 for you.
By: SAPIEN Technologies submitted:Jun 15 2022
Profiler: Script, ScriptBlock and module performance profiler for PowerShell
It can profile performance of modules, scripts, and scriptblocks. And compare them before and after
By: nohwnd submitted:Jun 16 2022
It can profile performance of modules, scripts, and scriptblocks. And compare them before and after
your changes. More features are coming.
By: nohwnd submitted:Jun 16 2022
PS Protector: PowerShell Module Builder
PS Protector is a small Windows utility that simplifies converting your PowerShell .psm module
By: Guillaume Plante submitted:Jul 28 2023
PS Protector is a small Windows utility that simplifies converting your PowerShell .psm module
file(s) into Windows .NET dynamic-link library (DLL) assemblies.
By: Guillaume Plante submitted:Jul 28 2023
ps-documentor: Automatic PowerShell Function Documenting
This Script can be used to document all Custom PowerShell Functions inside of a Script or a Script
By: Ismael Wismann submitted:Jun 16 2022
This Script can be used to document all Custom PowerShell Functions inside of a Script or a Script
Directory. I just created this script and I am testing it to multiple use cases. This whole project could be a PowerShell module in the future.
By: Ismael Wismann submitted:Jun 16 2022
PS1 To Exe Generator – v1.1 Released
In this post, I will show you the new version of my tool PS1 To EXE generator that allows you to
By: Damien Van Robaeys submitted:Jun 15 2022
In this post, I will show you the new version of my tool PS1 To EXE generator that allows you to
generate an EXE file from a PowerShell project, choose the main ps1 and inlude other files and folders.
By: Damien Van Robaeys submitted:Jun 15 2022
PSano: A powershell text editor
PSano is a Text editor written in Powershell. So no external c# libraries or binaries needed to be
By: u/purplemonkeymad submitted:Jun 16 2022
PSano is a Text editor written in Powershell. So no external c# libraries or binaries needed to be
able to interactively edit text. And I don't just mean text files on your computer. Function definitions and variables1 can be edited in memory. It also supports editing text files over a PS Session, so you can edit text without access to the admin share or installing a editor on the remote computer.
By: u/purplemonkeymad submitted:Jun 16 2022
PSAPIClient v 1.1.0
This Powershell module is a wrapper for the use of one or more API(s). Each API can be configured
By: ThomasWilla submitted:Nov 1 2024
This Powershell module is a wrapper for the use of one or more API(s). Each API can be configured
and addressed independently. This allows easy use of multiple APIs within a session.
By: ThomasWilla submitted:Nov 1 2024
A demonstration class based PowerShell module
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
A demonstration class based PowerShell module
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 16 2022
PSMake is an all-in-one project management and lifecycle toolset for PowerShell.
By: 38th Engineering Squadron submitted:May 3 2024
PSMake is an all-in-one project management and lifecycle toolset for PowerShell.
By: 38th Engineering Squadron submitted:May 3 2024
As a tool for making modules, PSNow emits the entire framework you need to create, analyze, test,
By: John McCrae submitted:Jun 15 2022
As a tool for making modules, PSNow emits the entire framework you need to create, analyze, test,
sign, build, deploy and publish your code with one module. All you need to do is run one command and then write your code. If you're new to PowerShell and not sure how to get going with a module, start here. If you've been writing code for a while and want to do more automation, PSNow is a great fit. It runs on PS Core 6.x and Windows PowerShell running on OSX, Linux and Windows.
By: John McCrae submitted:Jun 15 2022
A great tool that will measure the execution time of each line of your script.
By: Mathias Jessen submitted:Jun 16 2022
A great tool that will measure the execution time of each line of your script.
By: Mathias Jessen submitted:Jun 16 2022
This PowerShell module contains a number of functions you might use to enhance your own functions
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
This PowerShell module contains a number of functions you might use to enhance your own functions
and scripts. The Samples folder contains demonstration script files.
By: Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
Publish to PowerShellGallery with GitHub Actions
My next step in automating my PowerShell module development workflow is to have my module deploy to
By: Roberth Strand submitted:Jun 16 2022
My next step in automating my PowerShell module development workflow is to have my module deploy to
PowerShellGallery when creating a GitHub release. Last time it was doing unit testing with pester, now we want our code to get out in the world.
By: Roberth Strand submitted:Jun 16 2022
Recursion in PowerShell
Dealing with complex datasets may seem difficult in PowerShell. These datasets have unpredictable
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
Dealing with complex datasets may seem difficult in PowerShell. These datasets have unpredictable
structures and can’t be parsed easily. This the case when you need to extract all the member of an Active Directory group where member can be users and also groups that contains user and groups ?. It’s also the case with data coming from web services and API.
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
Resolving PowerShell Module Conflicts
Writing PowerShell sometimes means developing modules. If you're writing a PowerShell module,
By: Emanuel Palm submitted:Jun 16 2022
Writing PowerShell sometimes means developing modules. If you're writing a PowerShell module,
chances are that you're far enough into the PowerShell world that you're using modules that other people authored as well. That's great! There's no need to re-invent any wheels when we can utilize PSGallery, the residence of many great modules.
By: Emanuel Palm submitted:Jun 16 2022
RuntimeDiagnostics: .NET Runtime diagnostic cmdlets.
I just published a PowerShell module for analyzing #dotnet processes (including pwsh). It uses the
By: Adam Driscoll submitted:Jun 2 2023
I just published a PowerShell module for analyzing #dotnet processes (including pwsh). It uses the
Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime library. You can open memory dumps and attached to processes, dump thread stack traces and view objects.
By: Adam Driscoll submitted:Jun 2 2023
Show a pseudo-C# representation of the code that the PowerShell compiler generates for a given
By: Patrick Meinecke submitted:Jun 16 2022
Show a pseudo-C# representation of the code that the PowerShell compiler generates for a given
By: Patrick Meinecke submitted:Jun 16 2022
Speeding up PowerShell module development with RestartableSession
Let's assume you are developing a PowerShell module. You would add small modifications to the module
By: mdgrs submitted:Nov 17 2023
Let's assume you are developing a PowerShell module. You would add small modifications to the module
and test if they work as expected iteratively. In each iteration, after you edit the module code, how do you test the modification?
By: mdgrs submitted:Nov 17 2023
Splitting the PowerShell PSModulePath Cross-Platform
The $env:PSModulePath environment variable contains a list of directory locations that PowerShell
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Feb 24 2023
The $env:PSModulePath environment variable contains a list of directory locations that PowerShell
searches to locate modules
By: Mike F. Robbins submitted:Feb 24 2023
Ten ways of contributing to PowerShell on GitHub
I found the documentation on how to contribute to PowerShell/PowerShell a bit daunting. The more
By: Jos Koelewijn submitted:Jun 15 2022
I found the documentation on how to contribute to PowerShell/PowerShell a bit daunting. The more
links I followed, the more detailed and complex everything got. At that point I felt I was not ready to contribute. But eventually, I did. And I realized there may be more people willing to contribute to PowerShell, but don't know where to start, and there does not seem to be a guide of how to do so in an easy way. Also, there are ways to contribute apart from writing C# code.
By: Jos Koelewijn submitted:Jun 15 2022
The De Facto Guide for Converting a PS1 to EXE (7 Ways)
You can invoke PowerShell scripts in many different ways, but they all have one downfall, you can't
By: Arman Castillote submitted:Jun 16 2022
You can invoke PowerShell scripts in many different ways, but they all have one downfall, you can't
simply run them like a standard Windows program (EXE). Perhaps you'd like to prevent editing the code in a script or perhaps make it easier for your users to run scripts. It's time to learn how to convert a PS1 to an EXE.
By: Arman Castillote submitted:Jun 16 2022
The PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking Book
Learn the patterns, practices, and details of PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking from the
By: Don Jones and Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
Learn the patterns, practices, and details of PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking from the
industry's two most recognized experts on the subject.
By: Don Jones and Jeff Hicks submitted:Jun 15 2022
The Ultimate Guide to Terminal User Interfaces in PowerShell
Terminal User Interfaces (TUI) have a long history in computing and were some of the first forms of
By: Adam Driscoll submitted:Jun 16 2022
Terminal User Interfaces (TUI) have a long history in computing and were some of the first forms of
interfaces between human and machine. Sometimes referred to as text-based user interfaces, they are starting to gain popularity again with projects like Terminal.Gui for .NET. In this guide, we take a deep dive into how to build TUIs with PowerShell and Terminal.Gui.
By: Adam Driscoll submitted:Jun 16 2022
Troubleshooting PowerShell Scripts with Set-PSBreakPoint
The Set-PSBreakPoint cmdlet sets a breakpoint in a script. When you are troubleshooting a script it
By: Patrick Gruenauer submitted:Jun 24 2022
The Set-PSBreakPoint cmdlet sets a breakpoint in a script. When you are troubleshooting a script it
could be helpful to know what's going on in a particualar step or workflow. In this blog bost I will give you an overview and the basics you can build on to troubleshoot and investigate your script. Let's jump in.
By: Patrick Gruenauer submitted:Jun 24 2022
Turbocharge your Visual Studio experience with Microsoft Dev Box
Microsoft Dev Box is a managed service that enables developers to create on-demand,
By: Ruben Rios submitted:May 26 2023
Microsoft Dev Box is a managed service that enables developers to create on-demand,
high-performance, secure & ready-to-code workstations in the cloud. It gives companies the ability to pre-configure the development environment with all the tools needed to build, test, and deploy applications making developers more productive,
By: Ruben Rios submitted:May 26 2023
Under The Stairs: Creating a PowerShell Cmdlet Using C#
As part of a book I am writing, I wanted to show how simple it could be to create your own cmdlet in
By: Thomas Lee submitted:Jun 16 2022
As part of a book I am writing, I wanted to show how simple it could be to create your own cmdlet in
C#. This was to be a part of an advanced look at the things you can do with PowerShell 7 and DotNet Core.
By: Thomas Lee submitted:Jun 16 2022
Understanding NewtonSoft in PowerShell
A great primer on using JSON and NewtonSoft in PowerShell
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
A great primer on using JSON and NewtonSoft in PowerShell
By: submitted:Jun 15 2022
Understanding PowerShell Modules
Almost all PowerShell commands live in modules, and by adding new modules to PowerShell, you can
By: Dr. Tobias Weltner submitted:Jun 15 2022
Almost all PowerShell commands live in modules, and by adding new modules to PowerShell, you can
easily add more commands. Here is all you need to know about PowerShell modules.
By: Dr. Tobias Weltner submitted:Jun 15 2022
Using Enums in PowerShell
Enums were introduced to PowerShell in version 5.0 and can be used as a simple way to validate
By: Dane submitted:Aug 25 2023
Enums were introduced to PowerShell in version 5.0 and can be used as a simple way to validate
script and parameter input.
By: Dane submitted:Aug 25 2023
Using PowerShell to make bulk changes to DotNet .csproj files
When working on a big DotNet team, it's easy to create a library but forget to set a configuration
By: Ted Spence submitted:Jan 10 2025
When working on a big DotNet team, it's easy to create a library but forget to set a configuration
property according to your team's standards. Most people don't spend a lot of time looking at their...
By: Ted Spence submitted:Jan 10 2025
Using Trace-Command in PowerShell for debugging
When testing Functions in PowerShell or just executing cmdlets, you don't always get enough
By: Harm Veenstra submitted:Mar 10 2023
When testing Functions in PowerShell or just executing cmdlets, you don't always get enough
information when things don't work. The Trace-Command cmdlet is a valuable tool that gives you much information about what's going on behind the scenes. In this blog post, I will show you how to use it.
By: Harm Veenstra submitted:Mar 10 2023
Using Visual Studio 2022 Hot Reload for Developing Binary PowerShell Cmdlets
In this post, we'll look at how to use Hot Reload in Visual Studio 2022 to develop binary PowerShell
By: Adam Driscoll submitted:Jun 16 2022
In this post, we'll look at how to use Hot Reload in Visual Studio 2022 to develop binary PowerShell
By: Adam Driscoll submitted:Jun 16 2022
Which naming convention for internal variables?
Hi guys, I'm new to PowerShell and Microsoft has a guide for Approved Verbs for PowerShell Commands
By: u/Gincules submitted:Jan 5 2024
Hi guys, I'm new to PowerShell and Microsoft has a guide for Approved Verbs for PowerShell Commands
and Strongly Encouraged Development Guidelines, but which naming convention do you use for internal variables?
By: u/Gincules submitted:Jan 5 2024
Windows PowerShell Toolmaking Fundamentals
Are you a beginning to intermediate PowerShell scripter and tired of writing one-off scripts? Take
By: Adam Bertram submitted:Jun 16 2022
Are you a beginning to intermediate PowerShell scripter and tired of writing one-off scripts? Take
your scripting to the next level and begin to think of your scripts as tools.
By: Adam Bertram submitted:Jun 16 2022
Windows Terminal Preview 1.18 Release
Welcome back to another Windows Terminal release! This release updates Windows Terminal to version
By: Christopher Nguyen submitted:May 26 2023
Welcome back to another Windows Terminal release! This release updates Windows Terminal to version
1.17 and includes all of the features from this previous blog post. Additionally, Windows Terminal Preview is getting an update to version 1.18 and will include all the features detailed here,
By: Christopher Nguyen submitted:May 26 2023